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A goal ... to unite singing and friendship

Singing and sharing the pleasure of singing with other singers is one of the objectives of the Vocal Ensemble.                                                                                                                                             The second, no less important, is to federate the singers around the pleasure of singing and as part of a friendship of all times. To achieve these goals, the leaders of the association and the choir director set up permanent activities and exceptional events.                                                                             For some the presence of singers is mandatory, for others the basis is volunteering. Finally, some activities are open to spouses to allow a better knowledge of the Vocal Ensemble to people close to singers but also to create a symbiosis between the choir and families.

1 - The rehearsals                                                          They are of course reserved for singers and are mandatory. They are represented by the weekly rehearsals of Wednesday but also the quarterly rehearsals of Saturday or Sunday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2 - The concerts                                                       Concerts and exchanges with other choirs are part of this type of activity. Organized in the region and the agglomeration of Pau, they are highly recommended.  The further away their organization is, the more volunteering comes into play. This is the case for regional travel but also and especially for national travel every two years.                                                             As part of the concerts the choristers must wear a black outfit (shirt, trousers and city shoe for men, long-sleeved blouse, mid-calf skirt or pants, street shoes, low flesh-colored for women) dependent on the members of the choir. This outfit is accompanied by an accessory in the colors of the Vocal Set for women.

3 - The recordings                                                    Recordings are made specifically or at concerts.      They can give place to edition of CD or DVD. in case of sale. All recipes are for the benefit of the Association supporting the choir. The Vocal Ensemble "Kumbaya" has released two CDs for its 10th anniversary. Entitled "Musical Ballad" - Volumes 1 and 2 -. These discs give a glimpse of the wide repertoire of the choir, from the Renaissance to the French variety, as well as the Mozart Nocturnes, the Bearn folklore and the traditional songs of the world. These CDs are available from the choir.                                                                                                                                             






Group activities                                                             1 - Travel                                                                 The Association offers trips to singers and their spouses. These trips can be related to the organization of a concert or meeting but also be independent of any musical activity. Bilbao, Normandy, Jura, the Basque Country, the confluence of the Gaves, Toulouse, Sarlat, Hagetmau or Beaujolais were part of the choir's travels. To facilitate participation in the most distant trips, the financial contributions of choristers are offered in monthly installments spread from September to May.


2 - Meals and Friendship Jars

To allow a meeting of the singers between them, the weekly rehearsals are followed by a friendly pot.   As in many choirs, the feast of Kings, the Sainte-Cécile, family events internal choir are celebrated by specific meetings. The quarterly rehearsals always end with a meal, to which the spouses are invited to participate, meals taking place either at the MJC of Laü with internal resources of the choir, or in a restaurant twice a year.

© Ensemble Vocal KUMBAYA PAU 2023

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